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Classroom Expectations 2022-2023

  1. Honor-Do your own work.

  2. Expectations-I have high expectations for all students and I expect you to do the same for yourself.

  3. Attitude-You must have and keep a positive attitude.

  4. Respect-You must respect yourself, others, teachers, staff and school property. To get it , you must give it!

  5. Teamwork-We are a team and you must act as a team player.

  6. Charge your technology devices at home.

  7. Dress appropriately.

  8. Avoid being absent! You or your parents may email me if you will be absent.

  9. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  10. No yelling, talking out of turn, or profane language will be tolerated.

  11. Keep your desk clean at all times…no writing or drawing on desk, school property, and/or textbook. 

  12. ZERO TOLERANCE for misbehavior/bullying.